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Tricia Middleton

Tricia Middleton lives and works in Montréal, Québec. Her sculptures and architectural installations propose hypothetical consequences of a culture built around the unfettered production and consumption of delusion and denial both as material form and thought patterns that repeat as language. Fascinated by the inevitability of material decay and entropy, Middleton zealously hoards and then repurposes the cast-offs from her studio production, amassing and grafting them on to one another to create objects and environments that mimic natural processes of accretion and decomposition. Her work traces the migration of form and meaning over time, and in so doing strives to elucidate and overcome our heedless, if not apathetic relationship to material culture. She holds a BFA from the Emily Carr University (1997) and an MFA from Concordia University (2005).

Tricia’s work was displayed at the LIAF Exhibition, and she contributed to the High Tides Programme during the Opening Weekend of the festival. Tricia’s work contained contributions from Frantz Jørgensen, Cynthia Mitchell and Celia Perrin Sidarous.