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Film Programme #3 – curated by HÆRK with Erik Martinson



Towards a Theory of (Non)Scalability
This is the third of four film programmes, a series entitled Still There are Seeds to be Gathered, and Room in the Bag of Stars and curated by HÆRK (Johanne Brandtzæg Slaatta, Magnus Holmen, Anna Näumann, Johanna Nyström, Hamid Waheed) with Erik Martinson. Featuring: Out of Nothing, Janna Kyllästinen & Alex Lazarowich, 2018; Black Pond, Jessica Sarah Rinland, 2018; Our Song To War, Juanita Onzaga, 2018; and Trace Evidence, Susan Schuppli, 2016. Supported and presented by Nordland Kunst og filmfagskole for LIAF 2019.
Featuring: Gårdsarbeid (Work on the Farm), Bodil Furu, 2017, 32 min; Menaptwi (Smoked), Natasha
Naveau, 2018, 6 min; Know How Know #Tjaetsie (#Water), Sissel M. Bergh, 2018, 18 min; Coney
Island Baby
, Jeneen Frei Njootli, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Chandra Melting Tallow, Tania Willard,
2018, 10:19 min; Wild Relatives, Jumana Manna, 2018, 66 min.